
The question that should be asked when

"The question that should be asked when evaluating any type of proposal is: whose problems is it solving?" Matute says. "There are profound social issues when it comes to how we navigate around cities," he says. There will never be one simple solution for these.On dark nights when the Moon is hidden and the clouds are at bay, Kevin Hughes sits at the bottom of his garden and gazes up at a velvety black sky. In contrast to his childhood growing up in London amidst the glare of orange sodium-vapour lights, he usually sees hundreds – and, as his eyes adjust, thousands – of stars studding the night sky.

โพสต์โดย : mark mark เมื่อ 25 มิ.ย. 2565 16:05:32 น. อ่าน 150 ตอบ 0
